Friday, August 3, 2012

Diet Plans For Losing Belly Fat

Diet Plans For Losing Belly Fat

Are you unsure of which diet plan is right for you? Stop putting off that diet because of indecision, and establish a suitable diet plan that you can follow. These are just a few in the LONG list of diets that you can choose from.


  1. Diet Drinks & Shakes: Though these can work for some people, they are not ideal for individuals with digestive problems. The belly fat loss is often very slow, but quite difficult to gain back.
  2. Low-Carb: If you don't want to exercise, stay away from these diets. The higher protein levels demand a certain degree of exercise if you want to achieve maximum results.
  3. Low-Fat: When followed correctly, these diets can produce good results. Beware: By cutting out ALL fat intake, your body will reap negative effects. Just as too much fat is a bad thing, too little fat is also a bad thing.
  4. Moderation: Simply put, eat less. Moderation plans enable the dieter to eat less, while still enjoying craved tastes. This plan is ideal for dieters with little will power.
  5. Grapefruit Diet: This plan is effective for speedy belly fat loss. While the kind of food available for eating is slim, the actual amount of food is excessive. If this plan is chosen, expect to eat great quantities of food and lose belly fat quickly, but to gain it back almost instantly.
  6. Metabolism-Speeding: The idea behind these diets is that if you combine certain foods, you will speed up your metabolism. These diets have not been proven effective. Most doctors believe that they work only as placebos.
  7. Exercise-Only: If exercise is the force that drives you, and you don't want to concern yourself with food, try increasing your exercise level.
  8. Encouragement Diets: These diets enable you to work with others to achieve your goals. They team exercise with moderation, and add a friendly dose encouragement that people can rely on. They are ideal for people who need to be "pushed" in order to go that extra mile. Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig are good examples of encouragement plans.


  • Whatever your final decision is, realize your goals and do not make them unreachable.
  • If you are a vegetarian who follow a low carb diet, then consume more eggs, cheeses, tofu and also eat only complex carbs. Source: Low Carb Vegetarian


  • The Grapefruit Diet is intended as a temporary plan. It is advisable to stay on this diet for no more than 14 days.
  • The Grapefruit Diet Plan allows no more than 800 calories a day. It is a very strict diet plan for instant belly fat loss, BUT NOT a healthy diet. Your body is going to miss out some important nutrients not included in the diet. A balanced diet should consist of 4 food groups. With the grapefruit juice diet plan, it is cutting out a couple of the food groups. Source from: Grapefruit Diet
  • If you believe in yourself enough you will achieve your goals you should always have someone on hand who also wants to lose belly fat it will be easier and a friend that will support you is always good to have try it this plan really works.
  • If you want to lose belly fat don't lose it all at once lose it gradually as you know if you lose too much then you can gain what you have lost just reverse your first plan and it is as simple as that.

If this information is not enough for you then click on TIPS ON LOSING BELLY FAT
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1 comment:

  1. Interesting post with tips and warning. Diet plan is very important when you want to lose weight. Find out some more tips to how many calories needed to lose weight at
